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2024 m. liepos 25 d., tobulindami tinklavietės tipografiją, naujinome šriftų šeimą „Georgia“ į „Georgia Pro“. Raginame pasitikrinti, ar jūsų kompiuteryje ir kituose e. įrenginiuose, kuriuose skaitote @eitį, yra įdiegta šriftų šeima „Georgia Pro“, o jei ne, įsidiegti. Tinklavietėje skaitydami informaciją, matysite dailesnius ir tikslesnius šriftus. Išsamiau apie numatytąją tinklavietės tipografiją žr. Žinynas > Technologija.
Culture and Being Lithuanian in the Strategic Vision of Lithuanian Development
Bibliographic Description: Vytautas Rubavičius, „Kultūra ir lietuvybė strateginėje Lietuvos raidos vizijoje“, @eitis (lt), 2015, t. 104, ISSN 2424-421X.
Previous Edition: Vytautas Rubavičius, „Kultūra ir lietuvybė strateginėje Lietuvos raidos vizijoje“ / Rita Repšienė (sud.), Lietuvos kultūros tyrimai 4: tapatumai, sąveikos, trauminės patirtys, Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2013, p. 12—29, ISBN 978-9955-868-66-8.
Institutional Affiliation: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas.
Summary. How does Lithuanian culture unfold in the national development and strategic political visions? Why has the understanding of the importance of culture has decayed during the years after the regaining of Independence? These questions are considered through the development of a theoretical insight of culture – culture is perceived as a mother tongue based totality of historically developing practical ways of cohabitation with the natural, historical, and neighboring environment, as a visual, symbolic heritage of the material forms and the ways of its use and “raising”. Culture is always locational, whose primal task is to support communal ties, thus social identities. Existential relationships among culture, location and identities are discussed. Also the characteristic features of the system of culture functioning in the environment of globalization and European integration are determined. Relying on theoretical insights and the perception of new cultural trends, the vision of the Lithuania’s progress strategy Lithuania in 2030 is analyzed, extracting its ideological assumptions and “deculturing” nature of the activity. This document is compared to the Estonian one which sets a major strategic development goal of strengthening being Estonian that can only be realized using the means and methods provided by culture.
Keywords: globalization, cohabitation, culture, Lithuanian identity, Lithuania 2030, national identity.