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Straipsnis Miškų daugiafunkciškumo ekonominis vertinimas Varnių regioninio parko konservacinės paskirties teritorijose



An Economic Assessment of the Multifunctional Forests in the Conservation Land Areas of the Varniai Regional Park

  • Bibliographic Description: Stasys Mizaras1)2), Nerijus Kombaris1), „Miškų daugiafunkciškumo ekonominis vertinimas Varnių regioninio parko konservacinės paskirties teritorijose“, @eitis (lt), 2021, t. 1 777, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Stasys Mizaras1)2), Nerijus Kombaris1), „Miškų daugiafunkciškumo ekonominis vertinimas Varnių regioninio parko konservacinės paskirties teritorijose“, Žemės ūkio mokslai, 2012, t. 19, nr. 2, p. 98–105, ISSN 1392-0200.
  • Institutional Affiliation: 1) Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, 2) Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Miškų institutas.

Summary. The paper presents the results of economic assessment of Varniai Regional Park forests, which are used for conservation purposes. The area of these forests is 10.8 thousand ha. Forests fulfill different functions such as landscape objects, biodiversity and water protection, recreation and CO2 consumption. Moreover, these forests provide various resources – wood, mushrooms, berries, herbs, hunting products, etc. The conception of the total Economic Value of Forest was used for the assessment of the economic value of forests. The basis of this principle is the market price of forest products and services, which was used for assessment. The value of non-market products and services is based on hypothetical markets and cost analysis. An annual forest products and services utilization value was used as an assessment criterion. The study has shown changes of the forest function valuation structure in conservation forest areas. The value of wood is lower and the value of CO2 consumption, biodiversity, landscape, water protection and recreation functions is higher in conservation forests than in commercial forests.

Keywords: forest, economic assessment, conservation lands.

Viršutinė Apatinė