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Straipsnis Globalizacijos atspindžiai miesto kūne: keletas įžvalgų

Reflections of Cultural Globalization in Cityscape: A Few Insights

  • Bibliographic Description: Kęstutis Zaleckis, „Globalizacijos atspindžiai miesto kūne: keletas įžvalgų“, @eitis (lt), 2016, t. 381, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Kęstutis Zaleckis, „Globalizacijos atspindžiai miesto kūne: keletas įžvalgų“, Logos, 2011, nr. 66, p. 142–152, ISSN 0868-7692.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Kauno technologijos universitetas.

Summary. Cultural Globalization affects all spheres of our life including everyday environment. There is paradoxical situation in our knowledge: despite the fact that we all feel results of Globalization but, when trying to identify global effects in urban structure, just few ideas are easily coming into mind, e.g. unification, hyper-consummation, etc. It is obvious that such conclusions are not deep enough if we want understand both cityscape as complex cultural phenomenon and regularities of its evolution. It is probable that effects of globalization are much deeper and more essential if we consider cityscape as a form of outer common cultural consciousness too. There the cultural insights of such thinkers as Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Foucault, Richard Sennet, Benjamin Walter and others are used as the starting point in the article. Combining these by the measures of logical analogy with observed contemporary urban changes leed us to some modest insights on reflections of Globaliztion in the three parts of the cityscape: mentalscape, matterscape and powerscape.

Keywords: cultural globalization, cityscape.

Viršutinė Apatinė