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Straipsnis Krikščionybė Indijoje: kultūrinės ir teologinės transformacijos


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Christianity in India: Cultural and Theological Transformations

  • Bibliographic Description: Audrius Beinorius, „Krikščionybė Indijoje: kultūrinės ir teologinės transformacijos“, @eitis, 2016, t. 456, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Audrius Beinorius, „Krikščionybė Indijoje: kultūrinės ir teologinės transformacijos“, Logos, 2012, nr. 70, p. 113–124, ISSN 0868-7692.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Vilniaus universitetas.

Summary. Christianity has played a significant role during the centuries of Indian colonization. Indians have tried to understand Christian thought from various different perspectives. The present paper deals with the problems of enculturation of Christianity in India and Vedantic transformation of Christian theology. Our research problem is to identify the main attempts to construct Christian theology in relation to traditional Hindu theology and philosophy. In this research an author has adopted a descriptive-analytical and historical methods executed in terms of a study of the original writings of the Indian Christian thinkers (B. Upadhyaya, C. Keller R. de Smet, J. G. Arapura, B. Griffits, Dom Henri Le Saux, and others) who constructed theology in the relation to the most infuential Indian Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Three approaches in Indian Christian theology are segregated: reception or pluralistic inclusivism, reinterpretation or inclusivism, and rejection or exclusivism. Conclusion is made that modern interactions between Western and Indian forms of Christianity have brought new forms of theological reception and religious enculturation. Theological transformation of Indian Christianity at the same time displays an evident process of hinduization of Christian thought.

Keywords: Hinduism, Christianity, theology, enculturation, colonialism.

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