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Straipsnis Postmoderniosios mokslo filosofijos politika: D. Ginevas prieš J. Rouse’ą

The Politics of the Postmodern Philosophy of Science: D. Ginev versus J. Rouse

  • Bibliographic Description: Evaldas Juozelis, „Postmoderniosios mokslo filosofijos politika: D. Ginevas prieš J. Rouse’ą“, @eitis (lt), 2016, t. 593, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Evaldas Juozelis, „postmoderniosios mokslo filosofijos politika: D. Ginevas prieš J. Rouse’ą“, Logos, 2011, nr. 67, p. 177–188, ISSN 0868-7692.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Mykolo Romerio universitetas.

Summary. Joseph Rouse’s philosophy of scientific practices is a conceptual model of an engagement between scientific practices and their political significance. It implies that a politically-oriented human self-consciousness is detectable even in a specific medium formed by those practices. Rouse refers to this kind of discourse as a scientific self-identity being directed towards practico-theoretical understanding of science, which can also be evaluated as a political undertaking. Dimitri Ginev opposes this kind of “politics of postmodern philosophy of science.” Ginev claims that the destruction of the cognitive autonomy of science poses a threat to the democratization processes of modern societies. However, my article argues that the mechanisms of scientific “democratization” threaten the elements of philosophical discourse and are alien to polylogical philosophical and political public sphere.

Keywords: Joseph Rouse, Dimitri Ginev, philosophy of scientific practices, phenomenological hermeneutics of science, politics of science.

Viršutinė Apatinė